Do come in and take a seat....would you like a drink? Prepare for things from my brain.....

Tuesday, 2 March 2010

Positive note (Y)

Finally, something positive to say - writing has commenced!!!
Just sat down for an hour and wrote two pages, well.....rewrote the two that I was able to save :)
Trying to stay positive and push on with it.
Bought a book last week, it arrived yesterday..... pretty fricking awesome
Survivor by Chuck Palahniuk.
The guy is a fucking legend. I won't bore you with details about the book as I'm sure you've heard of him.... if you haven't then you need to be slapped.
Be sure to look up what Survivor is about, as with his other books the narrator is unique :)

Got a media deadline to meet this week.... should be able to meet it!
Things are starting to look up.....
Applied for a job yesterday too - I need money to fund my outrageous social life hahahaha.

Nice talking to y'all

Peace out


Oh, watch 'Dr. Horrible's Sing along Blog' it's the greatest musical ever written :D it's all on Youtube.


  1. Good to hear the writing's on the up!
    Stick at it and send me your manuscript when it's done!
    Notice how I said 'when' and not 'if' ;)

  2. Oh and I will try and get Front mag next time!

  3. cool ;) good luck with the rewriting

  4. hahaha watching that dr horrible thing, its good ;)
